Anniversary event induces deposits but does not give out money
After a friend introduced the platform, it was normal at the beginning, and then there was an anniversary event. After being abducted by a friend, I was deceived into making a deposit. At the end of the event, the deposit did not meet the standard and I could not enjoy the discount. The regulations force you to complete the deposit standard, and now I don't know what to do

Unable to withdraw
The following is the original recommendation
經朋友介紹該平台、一開始都算正常 之後出現週年慶活動經朋友誘拐 被騙入金參與活動 活動結束入金未達標準而無法享受優惠外 卻說要補足金額才能出金 活動前都未提到此項規定 硬要你完成入金標準 現在不知道該怎麼辦才好