Unable to withdraw
There are two URLs for RUI WIN CAPITAL. The URLs are different but the pages are exactly the same. I don't know why there are two URLs! https://ruiwincapital.com https://ruiwinaa.com was proposed once on Saturday, July 30th, and was revised on Monday, August 1st, and the customer service responded uniformly within 1-3 working days, and then it was supposed to be credited The time can still be revised again and again, which means that there is no intention to let people withdraw! I checked the platform of Tianyan and saw that this company is regulated. After checking on August 4, this dealer is no longer regulated by Australian ASIC! The follow-up also mentioned that there is a 60% risk fund. Is this reasonable? If you feel that the dealer is not ok after depositing money and want to change it, you can't change it? I didn't mention this in advance, if anyone wants to deposit money? This unreasonable condition! Taiwan and Australia have already reported to the police, but both Taiwan and Australia police say that it is difficult to get the principal back! Also notified Australian ASIC but have not received any contact! At present, I only hope that the principal can be taken back!

The following is the original recommendation
RUI WIN CAPITAL 網址有兩個,網址不同但是頁面是一摸一樣的,不知道為何會有兩個網址! https://ruiwincapital.com https://ruiwinaa.com 於7月30日週六提出一次,週一8月1日修正一次後客服統一回答1-3工作天, 而後本該是要入帳的時間卻還是能一再修改即表示根本沒有要讓人提現的意思! 查詢過天眼的平台,看到此公司受監管的,8月4日經查詢,此交易商已無受澳洲ASIC監管! 後續還提到有60%風險金,試問這合理嗎? 表示入金後覺得交易商不ok想換的話是換不了的?事先都沒有講到這個,若是有誰要入金?這個不合理的條件! 台灣及澳洲部分已經報警,但不管是台灣或是澳洲警察皆說,本金難以回來!也通報澳洲ASIC但還未收到任何聯繫! 目前僅希望本金可以拿的回來!