CANG LIMITED is unable to refund account funds, taxes, security deposits and overdue charges.
I started trading around the beginning of April this year and traded until June 13th, and when I tried to withdraw after that, I was told to pay 20.315% tax, and it took some time, but I managed to pay. However, after that, I was told that I could not withdraw unless I paid a deposit of 15%. This time, I was told that I could not withdraw again unless I paid 15% of the overdue fee, so I managed to pay this as well. When I thought that I could withdraw money with this, I was told that I could not refund unless I paid a 5% service fee. I would like a refund.

The following is the original recommendation
CANG LIMITEDからが口座の資金と税金分と保証金た延滞金を払い戻し出来ない。
今年の4月初め頃から始めた取引で6月13日まで取引をしてし、その後出金をしようとしたら、税金分20.315%を払えと言われて時間はかかりましたが何とか支払いましたが、その後保証金15%を払わないと出金出来ないと言われ、これも時間はかかりましたが何とか支払いました。今度はまた延滞金15%を払わないとまた出金出来ませんと言われて、これも何とか支払いました。これで出金出来ると思ったら、今度はサービス料を5%払わないと返金出来ないと言われ、そんなに簡単にお金は作れないのに度々重なって完全に不信感にとらわれています。 何とか返金して欲しいです。