EA just liquidate
This company is a fraud group. At the beginning, they kept promoting how stable the AI intelligent operation is. You can experience it first. After a month, you will be required to increase the funds to 30,000 US dollars before joining the official AI version. I can't increase the funds, she said that I can only continue to use the trial version of AI. As a result, the lot size suddenly increased within two days, and the position was directly liquidated without setting a stop loss. After the incident, they immediately removed me from the group and disconnected my account. After that, they also said that their company proposed a solution, which is to ask me to continue injecting funds. This is a routine that planning to deceive again over again......

The following is the original recommendation
EA 直接爆倉
這家公司是詐騙集團,一開始不斷推銷AI智能操作有多麼的穩健,可以先體驗,等一個月後就要求要增加資金到3萬美金才能加入什麼AI正式版。我不能增加資金,她說就只能繼續用體驗版AI, 結果沒兩天就突然加大手數,也沒設止損就讓它直接爆倉。事情發生後,就馬上將我退出群組,斷開帳戶,之後,還說他們公司提出解決方案,就是叫我繼續注入資金,他們願意再代為操作、免收服務費,直到賺回本金。這是套路,打算騙完再騙的節奏⋯⋯