I want my money back
When I tried to withdraw the money in my trading account, I was told to pay a 5% service charge. After that, the money was withdrawn from the account, and when I asked the customer service manager where it went, I was told that it was in an international bank. After paying the service charge, I will send the money. In such a situation, even if I transferred the money, I was forced to send a large amount of tax, security deposit, and overdraft money as before, and I thought that the money would not be returned. Please help me somehow.

The following is the original recommendation
取引口座にあったお金を出金しようとしたら、5%のサービス料を払えと言われました。その後口座の資金が出金され、何処にいったのですかと、カスタマーサービスマネージャーに聞いたら 国際銀行に留まった状態にあるとの事。 サービス料を払ったら送金しますとの事。 こんな状態なら振込んでも、また以前のように、税金、保証金、延滞金と多額の金を送金させてお金は戻ってこないと思い断念しました。 何とか解決をお願いします。