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2022-09-14 13:32 Released in Hong Kong Hong Kong

Hongli led a single fraud gang to induce gold deposit mt5 gold operation has run away

The cause of the incident is like this. About a month ago, a person named "people are not saints" contacted me on Twitter to get familiar with me first, and then about August 4th, I recommended a teacher to give lectures in the easy lecture hall. The website is https: // Live broadcast every night from 20:00 to 21:00 The teacher said that there will be a month of theoretical explanations. From September, the live broadcast of practical teaching said that it is no problem to earn 4 times. In August, it is to give theoretical courses and analyze the currency circle every day. The daily market and the fundamental news that occur every day interpret the news. The teacher's explanation is indeed not completely nonsense, but there is something real in it. The 7-2 rule, the wave theory, the golden section line, the moving average theory, and other knowledge, and will focus on operating some data The market is indeed a person who makes people feel very credible, and indeed I have learned a lot of things, but these are the methods of the fraud group, and he claims to be the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, who studied with Professor Zhou Jun and went to Columbia University to study for a Ph.D. Joined Goldman Sachs Group as a modeling analyst and then went to Guangdong through the recommendation meeting of my father and teacher Let people find flaws and doubts. The script created ""very wonderful"" Then the live teaching will start in September and ask the students to go to the mt5 platform to operate the gold and ethereum varieties. Check the dealer platform recommended by the teacher and find the registration time of the domain name The website page on August 24th is very simple and very unsafe, which makes me vigilant. However, I am also a novice and only recharged a small amount of money to test the water. Then I follow the teacher to operate the so-called data at 3:00 pm and 8:00 pm every day. The market or European and American stocks open gold fluctuations. The profit is about 10 points per day. This has gradually relieved my doubts in my heart. At present, it may be that there is a background behind the market that can control the market, or there are traders operating behind the scenes. During the process, the teacher and the recommender frequently asked me how much funds I currently have, so I can seize the opportunity to add as many positions as possible. I didn't listen to it, and I became more suspicious. Then I operated a wave of data market cpi long and short according to the teacher's request last night. I set a stop loss for double-opening and long orders, but it did not trigger the long order, which led to the liquidation of the long order. Later, I contacted the customer service of the website to ask what happened All saints and sages have been lost. The trading platform cannot log in to the website of the live broadcast room, and the teacher has been unable to access the teacher. Let the students use Ingmar and cloudchat to chat privately with the teacher. There is no group chat information record. I am engaged in the computer architecture of the e-commerce Internet. Teacher, the IP of the other party has been initially locked. Because of his cautious personality, he has recorded the live broadcast courses, voices, and character characteristics of the fraud gang. At present, he has contacted the Beijing Public Security Bureau to help with the investigation. In addition, he has contacted a friend of SlowMist. Carry out address tracking on the chain, and contact the exchange to temporarily ban the account associated with the exchange. The police said that if the amount is relatively large, it will be upgraded The case level does not rule out carrying out transnational law enforcement activities. I hope that the vast number of deceived friends will contact me. There are many people and powerful people, and they will extensively collect evidence of their fraud, and they will be brought to justice! Reminder: Do not trust any teacher with a single. Traders must choose traders carefully, choose mainstream brokers, and safety is always the first.


The following is the original recommendation

鸿立带单诈骗团伙 诱导入金mt5黄金操作 已经跑路

事情起因是这样的 大概一个月前 有个叫"人非圣贤"的人从推特上联系我 先跟我熟悉关系 然后大概8月4号开始 推荐了一个老师在易讲堂讲课 网址为 每天晚上20点到21点左右进行直播 老师说会进行一个月的理论讲解 从9月开始直播实战教学 说赚个4倍没有问题 8月就是讲理论课 每天会分析币圈每天的行情 以及每天发生的基本面消息对消息面进行解读 老师的讲解确实不是完全瞎扯 是有点真东西在里面的 讲解了7-2法则 波浪理论 黄金分割线 均线理论等知识 而且会着重操作一些数据行情 确实是让人觉得非常可信的一个人 也确实让我学到了不少东西 不过这些都是该诈骗集团的手段 而且他自称是中南财经政法大学 师从周骏教授 后去美国哥伦比亚大学留学 读博士 加入高盛集团 担任建模分析师的职务 后来经过父亲"和老师推荐会会到广东 在广发证券挂职交易 今年十月份以后去北交所任职 住在广东天河区 体育西路附近 每周回去钓鱼 很难让人找到破绽和疑点 剧本打造的""非常精彩"" 然后大概从9月份开始直播教学 要求学员们去mt5平台操作黄金和以太坊两个品种 查询了老师推荐的交易商平台 发现该域名注册时间为8月24号 网站页面也做的十分简陋 非常不安全 让我心中开始警惕 不过我个人也是新手 只充值了小额资金进入试水 然后就是跟着老师每天下午3点和晚上8点去操作所谓的数据行情或者欧美股开盘黄金波动 每天盈利 一次盈利金额为10个点左右 这让我心中逐渐解除了心中的疑惑 目前来看可能是后面有后台可以对行情进行调控或者有操盘手在背后操盘 在操作的过程中老师和推荐人频频询问 我目前有多少资金 让我抓住机会 尽可能多加点仓位 我并没有听信 而且我心中更加起疑心 然后就是昨天晚上按照老师要求操作了一波数据行情cpi 多空双开 多单设置了止损却没有触发导致多单被爆仓 后来我联系了网站客服问什么情况 客服说会是系统交易速度没跟上 会在24小时内返还账户受损失资金 今天老师和那个人非圣贤都已经失联 交易商平台无法登录 直播间网站也已经无法访问 老师让学员们使用英格玛和cloudchat进行和老师私聊 也没有群聊信息记录 我本人是从事电商互联网的的计算机架构师,目前已经初步锁定对方ip。因为自己性格还算谨慎已经对诈骗团伙的直播课程、声音、人物特征等进行了记录,目前已联系北京公安局帮忙立案调查。另外联系系了慢雾的朋友进行链上地址追踪,下一步联系交易所暂时封禁其交易所关联账号。警方说如果金额比较巨大,会升级案件级别,不排除开展跨国执法活动。希望广大被骗的朋友联系我,人多力量大,广泛收集其诈骗证据,定将其绳之以法! 提醒: 不要相信任何带单老师。 交易商一定要仔细选择交易商,选择主流券商,安全永远是第一位。

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