Induced fraud and unable to withdraw funds
Jian Chat and Ruliu App, Xu Youcheng, Chang Xiaosa, Li Yong, Zhang Qing, and customer service Miss Jin Wang Lianjun and other at least 50 people set up a group chat to induce scams. First, someone will talk to you and ask you to join the group. When you are in the international gold group, someone will induce you to increase your positions and help you to earn one or two times your profits. Then you will deliberately over-trade and lock your positions, so that you can continue to deposit funds and unlock your positions. When you withdraw funds, your account is abnormal and is suspected of laundering and paying taxes. The reason is that you keep paying money. At the same time, a lot of people in the group have been deceived by the screenshots of the funds and the account.

The following is the original recommendation
诱导欺诈 无法出金
简聊 如流App 徐有诚 常潇洒 李勇 张晴 客服金小姐 王连军 等至少50人以上组建群聊诱导诈骗 先是有人跟你套近乎嘘寒问暖 拉你进群 直播讲课大盘股票技术分析 时长近2个月 然后诱导你做国际黄金 群里有人晒收益 诱导你加仓 帮你操作 给你赚取一两倍收益再故意超额交易锁仓 让你继续入金解仓 等你出金时候 账户异常 涉嫌洗黑 出金交税 各种理由让你一直交钱 同时群里很多托晒出金到账截图 配合的天衣无缝 被骗近10万 在此呼吁华夏国内投资者千万不要做外汇 百分之九十五以上平台都是骗子