Unable to withdraw money, close customer MT5 without warning
Unable to withdraw income and principal, even close customers' MT5 accounts without warning, only issue an announcement stating that they are dealing with problems with Liberty Markets, and close customers' MT5 accounts according to Liberty Markets' instructions. no description

The following is the original recommendation
無法提取收益跟本金,甚至毫無預警關閉客戶們的MT5帳戶,只發佈公告說明在處理跟Liberty Markets的問題,並依Liberty Markets的指示關閉客戶們的MT5帳戶,對於客戶們的資金去向毫無說明

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Downstairs, my cheating netizen is the same as you
China Taiwan 2022-09-24 18:51
I have applied for withdrawal for three times since November last year, and it has not been processed so far. Almost every month, I communicate with customer service and send emails to communicate, but there has been no result.
China 2022-09-25 02:35