The platform blackmailed clients’ 1.6 million by virtual market and manipulation of their accounts.
In July 2018,the company staff opened an account for me and operated it for me in August,while I have been made losses for several months. Every time I lost, he all had the confidence to make it back. I deposited the fund for 8 consecutive times and eventually lost 1.6 million RMB. From January, I called the police and made complaints on the company,while the company kept shirking the agency responsibility. I have repeatedly called and send emails to the company, asking the company to investigate and refund the income of fraud.The company kept shirking,saying that the research has not responded.The manager who contacted me in the early stage disappeared.Having no idea,I went to Hong Kong Hanshen and its receptionist said that she should ask for management and reply in a week.But I could only stay in Hong Kong for 1 week.There is no sincerity and word of mouth to solve the problem.I went to the police station to report to the police, CGSE, and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority namely. Exposure again!

The following is the original recommendation
2018年7月开户做单,公司人员介绍开户,8月价又代客操盘,连续几月亏损,每次亏都说有信心赚回来,连续8次入金,最终亏损160万人民币。 从1月份在国内报案,在公司投诉,公司一直推拖是代理责任,我多次打电话发邮件给公司,要求公司调查处理,并退偿代理诈骗做单获得的收入,公司一直推诿,说研究一直不回复,前期联系我的经理也找不到人,无奈5月28日我去香港找汉声,前台金姓女士说请示管理层,答复说一星期后才能回来约谈,欺我在香港只能呆一周。没有解决问题的诚意和口碑。先后去了警署报警,金银业贸易场,香港金管局。再次曝光!