The gold spread was 3490 points,opposite tendency in market
Hi, I'm a freshman.Something happened,around 6 o’clock,on the 1st,July,2019.I found some problems with this platform.The gold spread expanded to mare than 4600 points,which was 3950 when I screenshot it. I felt something abnormal,usually with a range by 60 points(the first photo).Secondly, I compared the trend of this platform with others about 10 kg gold (the second and third photo). Thirdly, I had no 0.8 kg gold order while a lot of 0.5 kg gold.I thought I would owe less and less debts,on the contrary,more and more.(the risk rate went from over 500 to over 100) (the fourth photo) Comprehensively, it was a fraud platform.It adjusted spread and made us loss,while nobody observed these.I reported it to the platform and required my deposit back.But the conclusion of the platform is black swan events ( I have WeChat screenshot),while other platforms didn't have. It explained that was because discharge business. (I also have WeChat screenshots), all orders have flowed into the market.(a so-called casting records) (abnormal cast records is the same as usual).I want ask is it a regular platform? Is it normal that the gold spread is 3490 points?

The following is the original recommendation
黄金3940点 行情走势相反
大家好,我是一名刚做交易的人。在2019年7月1日,发生了一些事情。事情是这样的,在7月1日早上6点多。我发现该平台有问题,第一但是黄金点差扩大到4600多点,我截图的时候已经到3950点。平时的点差咋60左右浮动,我感觉有问题(第一张照片),第二当时我对比了一些该平台与其他平台 以及金10 上的走势完全相反(第二 第三张照片),第三,我是0.8手空单,0.5手多单,但是行情整体上是下来的。本来我负的应该越来越少,可是但是我负的是越来越多。(风险率从500多直接到100多)(第四张照片)。综合以上的问题,我感觉该平台存在欺诈,自己调整点差。使我们造成亏损,因为平时根本没人注意这些。我讲问题反馈给该平台,要求返还我所有的入金。但是平台给出的结论是黑天鹅事件(有微信截图),但我问到为什么别的平台没有的时候,又解释说是流量商的问题(也有微信截图),说是所有的单子都进入了市场(有一个所谓的抛单记录)(有问题的抛单记录与平时的完全一样)请问大家 。这家平台是正规的吗?黄金点差3940点是正常的吗?