God damned IX Securities! Losing money, position liquidated. Making money, unable to withdraw!
I’ve been doing business on IX Securities. I suffered two position liquidations, causing over 40000 RMB loss. I deposited more on IX Securities. Now I earned 65000 USD but they won’t let me withdraw and even skimped my profit. When I lost money, they didn’t give a damn. When I made money, they said I was tricking them. I lost contact with the service and the salesman even blocked me. They didn’t show me any related terms of service, just saying it is ok to lose money but I can’t withdraw when I earn. The former name of it is INFINOX, which they abandoned and started this brand. I believed it because they are information of it on FX110.com. Now the problem occurs. I hope FX110 could bring them to justice and give my money back. They salesman resigned to pass the buck. Their office in Futian, Shenzhen moved away. They won’t let me withdraw, giving me no response until now!

The following is the original recommendation
本人在IX正常做交易,我的账号爆仓了两次仓,亏损4万多,重新入金在IX,现在挣了6.5W美金不给我出利润,还把我的利润扣除了,亏损了什么都不说,,屁话都没有说,现在我入金挣钱了就说我是欺诈,什么规则都来了,联系平台直接不回复,业务员直接拉黑,也没有给我看任何相关的条例或规则,很简单就是亏钱可以,赚钱没有。前身公司是英诺,英诺不做换这个牌子,正因为相信FX110有这些旗舰店的信息,觉得靠谱,现在出了这个问题,希望110能给我一个公道,把我的血汗钱还给我!!!招商业务员离职推卸责任,深圳福田办事处直接搬走,平台不给出金!到现在没有正面回应!! https://brokers.fx110.com/broker/3238