The illegal order recommendation given by teacher of WB led to my losses.Give back my hard-earned money!
The analyzer of WB gave frequent order recommendations,saying that one can double profits in the coming cocking market of non-farm payrolls and EIA.There was often light profits and heavy losses by following the instruction.Until having lost of $18000,did I disilluded! When I argued with the customer service for their illegal order recommendation,which led to clients’ losses,and asked for compensation,I was ignored.I has to call the police,while they locked my account! Absolute fraud platform! My fellow victims,call the police to report it together!

The following is the original recommendation
富格林金业分析师老师,频繁喊单操作,总说非农和EIA有大行情,可以翻倍!跟随指令经常是小赚大亏,直到近日18000美金亏损完,我才醒悟! 找客服理论,我说你们非法喊单,造成客户亏损,协商赔款,不予理会,我不得不报警,他们就封锁帐号!这纯粹是黑平台!有难友一起报警举报!