2022-07-09 16:42Thailand
I can't able to withdraw my 950K from PowerFunction
Power Function
Unable to withdraw

2022-09-11 18:07Thailand
Power FunctionReply
2022-08-12 17:42
The company manager has paid close attention to the withdrawal and requested the company legal department to conduct a thorough investigation, please wait the result of the department.

WikiFX Overseas Customer ServiceContact Broker
2022-07-13 13:05China Hong Kong
Contact Broker

WikiFX Mediation CenterVerified
2022-07-13 10:56China Hong Kong
FX2786281254Start Mediation
2022-07-09 16:42Thailand
Start Mediation
and It is not able for me to pay the laon of 110K by using this 950K

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2. Unauthorized reprints of cases in this platform are prohibited. Offenders will be pursued their legal obligations