2022-07-31 12:51 China Taiwan
Unable to withdraw, scam!
Royal Tungsten
Unable to withdraw

2022-09-23 15:37 China Taiwan
Royal TungstenReply
2022-08-24 15:24
The capital source in not clear and the customer refused to cooperate in verification.

WikiFX Overseas Customer ServiceContact Broker
2022-08-01 14:09China Hong Kong
Contact Broker

WikiFX Mediation CenterVerified
2022-08-01 11:26China Hong Kong
玄75726Start Mediation
2022-07-31 12:51 China Taiwan
Start Mediation
I applied for withdrawal on 7/25 and on 7/26, I got a reply. They started to disappear on July 27th and it has been listed as a scam website by the police on July 31!

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2. Unauthorized reprints of cases in this platform are prohibited. Offenders will be pursued their legal obligations