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2022-08-30 21:05China

The voucher redeemed by the points is lost, and it is deducted from my principal








2022-09-13 20:46China

2022-09-13 16:45China

Supplemental Materials

I communicated with the customer service the whole day, but did not get any solution. I hope that the platform can deal with the problem in an appropriate manner, rather than beating about the bush. I just know one thing that I only received 72 US dollars after the failure of withdrawal of 100 US dollars. Therefore, you must return to me the 28 US dollars.

2022-09-13 12:07China

Supplemental Materials

Do you deal with the problem like this? In any case, the fact is that my principal was deducted, so I request you to return the 28 US dollars to me.

2022-09-13 12:02China

Supplemental Materials

All in all, I just know 28 US dollars was deducted from my principal. I strongly ask you to refund the money to me.

2022-09-13 11:28China

Supplemental Materials

No platform will do so like your platform, deducting the money from principal to pay for the loss of voucher and bonus, and even for the negative balance.

2022-09-13 11:24China

Supplemental Materials

The credit is my voucher. So why did you deduct the money from the principal to pay for the loss. Please return to me the principal.

2022-09-13 11:18China

Supplemental Materials

It is like saying nothing. In a word, the credit is used to pay off the negative balance, so why don't you refund me the principal? Is it funny to beat about the bush? As a matter of factor, the principal was deducted to make up the negative balance. I want you to return to me my principal, instead of talking about the nonsense.

2022-09-13 11:10


Thank you for contacting us. Regarding customer Kou Zibiao's credit voucher, the customer's trading account had a negative balance of 27.78 US dollars, therefore the money should be paid off from the 28 US dollars' credit limit. However, due to the client's negative balance in the blown trading account, the withdrawal amount of 100 US dollars failed to be processed on August 26th just before the return of the negative balance trading account, of which the returned amount of 27.78 US dollars offset the negative balance, but the credit of 28 US dollars was still available in the account. On September 2, the relevant department refunded 27.78 US dollars to the client's trading account (making up the withdrawal amount used to offset the negative balance) and deducted 27.78 US dollars from the credit of 28 US dollars to offset the original negative balance on the same day. If you have any other inquiries, please feel free to contact us. Please be noted that FXTM only contacts the customers through a verified WeChat company account which is easy to be identified. Thank you for your support. We hope the service is helpful and will provide you with even better services in the future.

2022-09-09 20:18China

Supplemental Materials

It is unexpected that the platform dealt inefficiently with the problem. Credit (the so-called voucher) should be different from the balance (profit after depositing), and the credit should be zero due to the loss, rather than being negative, even surprisingly the profits was used to pay the negative balance. If so, what's the sense of exchanging the voucher with my reward point. It costs me a lot of time and finally the money was deducted from the account. It is reasonable to pay off the negative balance with the deposit, but it does not make sense that the negative balance of credit will be paid off from the deposit.

2022-09-07 10:14China

Supplemental Materials

Is the platform passing the buck? I made a complaint because the customer service did not cope with the problem. Now you ask me to reach out to the customer service. Are you fooling the customer like this?

2022-09-07 10:07


Please reach out to the customer service.

2022-09-06 11:40China

Supplemental Materials

The platform is ripping me off for the bonus and voucher even can lead to a negative balance. I even have no idea why my principal was deducted. Is this voucher a trick? I hope the platform can deal with it in an appropriate manner.

2022-09-06 11:26China

Supplemental Materials

What do you mean? The money that you promised to refund is deducted for paying negative balance, which gets me confused. A Total liar.

2022-09-06 11:14


Thank you for contacting us. In reference to the money problem of customer Kou Zibiao's 28 US dollars, due to the negative account balance caused by liquidation, the 100 US dollars that failed to be withdrawn returned to the account, offsetting the negative balance. The related department has followed the case and refunded 27.78 US dollars to the customer's trading account on September 2. If you have anything to inquire, please feel free to reach out to us. Please be noted that FXTM contacts the customers via only verified WeChat company account which is easy to identified. Thank you for your support. We hope that the service is helpful and will provide better services.

2022-09-01 18:36China

Supplemental Materials

The platform has admitted to refunding 100 US dollars. Why do you change it to a deposit of 72 US dollars with a bonus of 28 US dollars. You keep evading the problem.

2022-08-31 11:53China Hong Kong China Hong Kong

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2022-08-31 10:26China Hong Kong China Hong Kong


2022-08-30 21:05China

Start Mediation

On August 25th, I exchanged my points for a $28 voucher in the platform's member center. At the same time, I withdrawn $100. I lost the transaction voucher that night. On August 26th, I failed to withdraw $100 and returned it. I have 28 dollars, the balance is only 72, and the request for refund is unsuccessful.


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