Abstract:Societe Generale was originally founded in 1864 by a group of manufacturers and financiers to support the growth of trade and industry in French. The bank opened 32 offices throughout France. As early as 1867, Societe Generale had a network of commercial agents in Japan
General Information & Regulation of Societe Generale
Societe Generale was originally founded in 1864 by a group of manufacturers and financiers to support the growth of trade and industry in French. The bank opened 32 offices throughout France. As early as 1867, Societe Generale had a network of commercial agents in Japan, and in 1871, Societe Generale opened its first international branch in London. Societe Generale was nationalized by France in 1945 and provided important financial support for the reconstruction of French territories. In 1987, Societe Generale successfully went public, privatized itself, offered shares to the Group's employees, and developed a strategy through the corporate and investment banking departments to support its clients' global development. In 1907, Societe Generale issued bonds for the development of cities such as Tokyo and Shanghai. Societe Generale established Fimatex in France in 1995 to expand its retail banking network, which was later renamed Boursorama and is now an online bank.
Main Businesses of Societe Generale
Societe Generale's activities in Asia include corporate and investment banking, asset management, global transaction banking, vehicle leasing, and fleet management services, and equipment financing. Societe Generale provides financial and advisory services to producers, traders, processors, and end-users of metals and soft commodities, financing solutions for global companies and financial institutions concerning import and export contracts, risk coverage and advisory services, financing, risk management, and advisory services for corporate or public clients in a wide range of products, including project finance, public-private partnerships, shipping finance, and aviation finance. Societe Generale also provides hedging, investment, and risk advisory solutions to corporate clients worldwide. Societe Generale offers a complete range of services to financial institutions, including strategic advisory and financing, asset and liability management and investment solutions, and cross-asset ALM solutions for banks. In addition, Societe Generale works with pension funds and insurance teams to provide advisory services and a variety of related pension implementation services and products.