Abstract:Bullionvault is a British company based in London, established in 2005 and owned by BullionVault Ltd. Founded by Paul Tustain, it has become an online precious metals investment platform. In principle it was created for institutional clients, it was not until 2009 that it also opened for private clients.
General information & Regulation
Bullionvault is a British company based in London, established in 2005 and owned by BullionVault Ltd. Founded by Paul Tustain, it has become an online precious metals investment platform. In principle it was created for institutional clients, it was not until 2009 that it also opened for private clients.
Products & Services
Bullionvault has 2 types of service:
l Investment in precious metals (gold, silver, platinum and coins) from your online platform
l Investment plan in regular purchases with no time or quantity limit
Bullionvault also gives you the possibility to invest in gold, silver, platinum or investment coins stored in various security cameras around the world. Specifically in Zurich, London, Singapore, Toronto and New York.
There are several commissions for the withdrawal or exchange of currency, custody and insurance or home delivery, so you must be careful not to incur any of these extra costs to maximize your return on investment.
The main ones are:
l Commission per transaction: every time it is bought and sold.
For gold, silver and platinum a maximum of 0.5% is paid per transaction. This commission can be as high as 0.05%, depending on the amount that is bought or sold over the course of a year. (The commission is progressively reduced as it is bought or sold). Commission discounts for all metals apply from $ 75,000 (or equivalent in another currency) traded.
l Custody and insurance: every month
0.12% per year for gold, subject to a $ 4 monthly minimum. 0.48% per year for silver, subject to a monthly minimum of $ 8. 0.48% per year for platinum, subject to a $ 8 monthly minimum.
l Bank transfers
When you request to withdraw the money to be transferred to your bank account, the customer must bear the cost of the bank transfer. Depending on the currency being sent, it costs € 10, $ 30, or £ 20.
DtpFx Ltd is a forex scam warned by FCA recently. However, it hasn't stopped its steps to scamming after being warned.
Although digital currencies have been around for over a decade, the concept is still foreign to many.
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