Abstract:MILAN (Reuters) – Italys Banco BPM on Thursday posted a higher-than-expected first-quarter net profit helped by higher revenues and lower loan writedowns.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpMILAN Reuters – Italys Banco BPM on Thursday posted a higherthanexpected firstquarter net profit helped by higher revenues and lower loan writedowns.p
pItalys thirdlargest bank said its net profit for the three months to March was up 77.6 from a year earlier to 177.8 million euros 187.3 million, higher than a 131 millioneuro forecast in a Reuters analyst poll.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pFirstquarter revenues totalled 1.186 billion euros, slightly above expectations and up 5.2 compared to the previous year, supported by strong trading gains and buoyant net interest income.p
1 0.9493 eurosp
Reporting by Andrea Mandalà, editing by Giulia Segretip
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