Abstract:MILAN (Reuters) – A group of shareholders at Italys Equita received expressions of interest for a total of some 12% of the independent investment bank, the group said on Thursday.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpMILAN Reuters – A group of shareholders at Italys Equita received expressions of interest for a total of some 12 of the independent investment bank, the group said on Thursday. p
pThe shareholders, who also act as managers, told the board the expressions of interest were put forward by “a group of families, entrepreneurs and institutions close to Equita,” the company said in a statement. pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pThey added a potential deal would allow new investors to enter the share capital while keeping managements role as a “key shareholder”. p
pEquitas management and employees hold 54 of the capital, while free float totals 38 and treasury shares account for the remaining 8.p
pp Reporting by Federico Maccioni, editing Maria Pia Quagliap
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