Abstract:Economic data from the Eurozone disappointed today, raising more questions over the economic outlook. The EUR fell back to sub-$1.04 levels in response.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpIt was a relatively busy Eurozone economic calendar, with finalized member state inflation and Eurozone industrial production in focus.p
pThe inflation figures had a muted impact on the EUR, placing a greater emphasis on todays production numbers.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
h2 ideurozoneindustrialproductiondisappointsEurozone Industrial Production Disappointsh2
pIn April, industrial production fell by 1.8 monthonmonth versus a forecasted 2.0 slide. Production rose by a modest 0.5 in March.p
pAccording to a hrefhttps:ec.europa.eueurostatdocuments299552114636032413052022APEN.pdf856c2d2aadc325ee66d5f4aacc90c5b5?t1652362973659 relnofollow noopener noreferrer target_blankEurostata,p
liCompared with February 2022, the production of capital goods fell by 2.7 and nondurable consumer goods by 2.3.li
liThere were also declines in the production of intermediate goods 2.0 and energy 1.7.li
liDurable consumer goods production bucked the trend, however, rising by 0.8.li
liBy member state, Slovakia 5.3 and Germany 5.0 had the largest monthly declines in production.li
pCompared with March 2021,p
liIndustrial production across the Eurozone declined by 0.8 yearonyear.li
liThe production of energy slid by 4.0, with capital goods and intermediate goods production down 2.7 and 0.1, respectively.li
liThere were increases in the production of nondurable consumer goods 2.8 and durable consumer goods 6.6.li
liBy member state, Slovakia 7.3, Ireland 5.5, and Germany 4.1 had the largest decreases in production.li
divdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivh2 idmarketimpactMarket Impacth2
pAhead of todays numbers, the EUR fell to a currentday low of 1.03733 before rising to a currentday high of 1.04196.p
pIn response to todays stats, the EUR rose to a post stat high of 1.04089 before falling to a post stat low of 1.03865.p
pAt the time of writing, the a hrefhttps:www.fxempire.comcurrencieseurusdEURa was up by 0.09 to 1.03892.p
figure ariadescribedbycaptionattachment1000205 classwpcaption alignnone idattachment_1000205figuredivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivfigcaption classwpcaptiontext idcaptionattachment1000205130522 EURUSD Hourly Chartfigcaption
h2 idnextupNext Uph2
pUS consumer sentiment figures will be in focus later today along with FOMC member chatter. FOMC member Kashkari is due to speak ahead of the European close.p