Abstract:FRANKFURT (Reuters) – Wingas, a Gazprom unit in Germany taken over by a German regulator and one of Germanys biggest gas traders, said on Thursday it is one of the companies that no longer receives gas from Russia due to sanctions imposed by Moscow.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpFRANKFURT Reuters – Wingas, a Gazprom unit in Germany taken over by a German regulator and one of Germanys biggest gas traders, said on Thursday it is one of the companies that no longer receives gas from Russia due to sanctions imposed by Moscow.p
pWingas added its customers are still receiving their contractually agreed gas quantities as the company buys gas from different trading points across Europe.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pp Reporting by Tom Kaeckenhoff Writing by Zuzanna Szymanska Editing by Chris Reesep
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