Abstract:(Reuters) – Private equity firm Carlyle Group Inc said on Monday it had entered an all-cash deal to buy U.S. defense contractor ManTech International Corp for $3.93 bln.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpReuters ManTech International Corp on Monday entered into an allcash buyout deal of 3.93 billion from private equity firm Carlyle Group Inc, sending the U.S. defense contractors shares up 11.p
pCarlyle said it had offered 96 per share, representing a 17 premium to ManTechs closing on Friday. pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pFairfax, Virginiabased ManTech performs defense and nondefense contracting services for the intelligence community, the Pentagon and other government agencies.p
pReuters exclusively reported in February that ManTechs cofounder, George Pederson, was exploring options for his controlling stake that included a sale of the company.p
p Reporting by Tiyashi Datta, Aishwarya Nair and Akash Sriram in Bengaluru Editing by Shinjini Gangulip
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