Abstract:By Pete Schroeder WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Michael Barr, the second person nominated by Democratic President Joe Biden to be the Federal Reserve‘s Wall Street cop, will appear before the Senate on Thursday to make the case for why he should take on the central bank’s sweeping
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpBy Pete Schroederp
pWASHINGTON Reuters – Michael Barr, the second person nominated by Democratic President Joe Biden to be the Federal Reserve‘s Wall Street cop, will appear before the Senate on Thursday to make the case for why he should take on the central bank’s sweeping regulatory portfolio.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pBarr, a former Treasury Department senior official under President Barack Obama, looks to be wellpositioned to win Senate confirmation after receiving early support from key moderates and progressive Democrats in the evenly divided chamber. He will testify before the Senate Banking Committee at 10 a.m. ET 1400 GMT.p
pIn his prepared testimony, Barr said he would work to ensure the financial system is resilient, operates fairly, and allows room for innovation with “clear rules of the road.”p
pHe is in a stronger position than Sarah Bloom Raskin, Bidens first nominee for Fed supervision vice chair, who withdrew her nomination after Democrat Joe Manchin refused to back her.p
pBarr, currently a law professor, has already drawn support from moderate Democrats, including Manchin, and progressives anxious to ramp up scrutiny of Wall Street after what they say was regulatory easing under Republicans. At Treasury, Barr was a central figure in the drafting of the 2010 DoddFrank financial reform law, which established a range of safeguards following the 2008 financial crisis.p
p“This is going to be a far easier, simpler and faster hearing than we saw last time,” said Isaac Boltansky, director of policy research for brokerage BTIG, adding that Barr should be confirmed by August.p
pBarr would fill the remaining vacancy on the Fed board and take on a broad agenda that is likely to include revisiting rules that were eased under his predecessor, Randal Quarles, and taking steps to address climate change risk, fintechs and cryptocurrencies.p
pRaskin withdrew her nomination after Manchin, who represents coalproducing West Virginia, opposed her because she had called for financial regulators to more aggressively police climate change risks. The decision effectively ended her nomination. p
pBut Manchin announced Tuesday he would back Barr. In the progressive wing, Elizabeth Warren, a prominent bigbank critic, said in April that she supported Barr. p
pProgressives have changed their tune on Barr after opposing him last year for comptroller of the currency, another top regulatory post. They wanted a more liberal pick, saying his work in the private sector, as well as his resistance to some stricter DoddFrank proposals, were marks against him.p
pHowever, after progressives preferred candidates, including Raskin and Saule Omarova, a previous Biden pick for comptroller of the currency, flopped amid resistance from moderate Democrats, they are now eager to simply fill key posts.p
pThe Feds regulatory work, for example, has slowed with no fulltime supervision chief. p
p“The Fed urgently needs a vice chair on board who can guard against risks to financial stability,” said Carter Dougherty, a spokesman for advocacy group Americans for Financial Reform. p
pIf confirmed, Barr will also join 18 other Fed policymakers in setting the course of monetary policy as the central bank battles to bring down 40yearhigh inflation. Barrs views on monetary policy are not well known, but so far policymakers have been unanimous in pivoting to a more aggressive stance as price pressures have persisted. Barr noted in his prepared testimony that he would be “strongly committed” to bringing down inflation if confirmed.p
pp Reporting by Pete Schroeder and Lindsay Dunsmuir Editing by Michelle Price and Leslie Adlerp
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