Abstract:BRASILIA (Reuters) – Brazil Economy Minister Paulo Guedes said a small tax reform may be approved by Congress this year that would include a 10% tax on dividends, which are currently exempt.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpBRASILIA Reuters – Brazil Economy Minister Paulo Guedes said a small tax reform may be approved by Congress this year that would include a 10 tax on dividends, which are currently exempt.p
pGuedes, speaking at an event hosted by financial startup Traders Club, said the reform would also create a tax debt renegotiation program and lower corporate income tax but at a lower level than previously targeted by the government.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pThe reform would be more limited than a proposal approved in the Lower House last year but not voted on in the Senate. That proposal set a 15 tax on company dividends. p
pThe minister said that if the current centerright coalition prevails in elections this year, it would be “natural” for him to stay in the federal government for a potential second term of President Jair Bolsonaro, who is seeking reelection in October. p
pAccording to Guedes, the coalition is advancing and the Congress is becoming more reformist.p
p“The band seems to be playing well,” he said.p
pp Reporting by Marcela Ayres editing by Jonathan Oatis and Mark Porterp
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