Abstract:LONDON (Reuters) – European refiners processed 9.72 million barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil in April, up almost 7% from a month earlier and more than 9% higher than a year earlier, Euroilstock data showed on Friday.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpLONDON Reuters – European refiners processed 9.72 million barrels per day bpd of crude oil in April, up almost 7 from a month earlier and more than 9 higher than a year earlier, Euroilstock data showed on Friday.p
pTotal refinery output rose almost more than 6 month on month. Middle distillates output was up 5 monthonmonth and gasoline output was 6 higher.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pThe following Euroilstock data covers 14 European Union members, Britain and Norway in thousands of barrels per day:p
p Change Change Change Change p
p vs vs pct pct p
p Apr22 Mar22 Mar22 Apr21 Mar22 Apr21 p
p Total 10,293 9,674 619 1,043 6.4 11.3 p
p Gasoline 2,425 2,281 144 297 6.3 14.0 p
p Middle 5,185 4,935 250 644 5.1 14.2 p
p Distilla p
p tes p
p Fuel oil 971 889 82 41 9.2 4.4 p
p Naphtha 942 917 25 110 2.7 13.2 p
p Crude 9,728 9,109 619 837 6.8 9.4 p
p intake p
pp Reporting by Bozorgmehr Sharafedin Editing by Edmund Blairp
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