Abstract:By Belén Carreño MADRID (Reuters) – Spain supports Ukraines ambition to join the European Union and the idea of a new European political entity that could, for the time-being, accommodate Ukraine as a fellow-minded democracy, Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares told Reuters on Friday.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpBy Belén Carreñop
pMADRID Reuters – Spain supports Ukraines ambition to join the European Union and the idea of a new European political entity that could, for the timebeing, accommodate Ukraine as a fellowminded democracy, Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares told Reuters on Friday.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pThe European Commission will issue a report in June on whether to accept Ukraines application to become a candidate for EU membership, which is likely to be a drawnout process that is already causing dissent within the bloc.p
pInvaded by its neighbour Russia, Ukraine seeks a fasttrack admission, to which countries such as the Netherlands and Croatia have objected.p
pAlbares said Spain would support the admission of Ukraine unless the June report advises against it.p
p“If the European Commission‘s report is favourable, Spain will support Ukraine’s aspirations to become a candidate, and from there the heads of state and government will meet to discuss the ways” for it to happen, he told Reuters by telephone from the Council of Europe ministerial meeting in Turin.p
pHe also welcomed a recent proposal by French President Emmanuel Macron to create a new type of political European community that would allow countries outside the bloc, including Ukraine and Britain, to join.p
p“Europe has to define itself in the face of future challenges and future enlargement if it happens. The idea Macrons is within this framework of reflection, and Spain welcomes whatever advances the process of European integration,” Albares said.p
pp Reporting by Belén Carreño, editing by Andrei Khalip and Raissa Kasolowskyp
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