Abstract:(Reuters) – The European Union has targeted magnesium as a priority critical mineral to cut dependence on China and three firms are gearing up to produce it in Europe for the first time since 2001.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpReuters – The European Union has targeted magnesium as a priority critical mineral to cut dependence on China and three firms are gearing up to produce it in Europe for the first time since 2001.p
pBelow are facts about magnesium and the three potential projects.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pMagnesium is a shiny grey, very light metal that provides strength as an ingredient in aluminium and steel alloys used in aluminium cans, car wheels and airplane wings.p
pThe mineral is abundant in the earths crust and also can be produced from seawater, but smelting is more complicated and is very energyintensive.p
pChina dominates production, accounting for 88 of the worlds supply. Other producers include Brazil, Russia and the United States.p
pEurope accounts for about 20 of global magnesium demand at around 200,000 tonnes a year, but the last European magnesium production sites – in Norway and France – closed in 2001. p
pMagnesium prices in China hit record highs last year and are still double the level seen 12 months ago.p
pThe EUfunded organisation EIT Raw Materials has identified three potential projects that could allow a restart of magnesium production in Europe, two in Romania and one in Bosnia.p
pVERDE MAGNESIUM https:www.verdemg.comp
pVerde is working on reviving an old mine in western Romania and plans to build an integrated processing plant. The company, supported by private equity group Amerocap, is seeking a mining licence from the government and hopes to launch production in 2025. p
p“Verde Magnesium is aiming to offer a consistent supply of processed magnesium from Romania amounting to approximately 30,000 tonnes a year – or 15 of EU demand – by 2030,” said Chairman Bernd Martens.p
pThe company aims to process waste from a former stateown chemical site in central Romania to extract magnesium and other minerals. The firm did not respond to enquiries, but EIT Raw Materials said the company is feasibility studies for operations that could produce 22,000 tonnes of magnesium a year.p
pThe owners of the project have declined to be identified, but EIT Raw Materials said the firm plans to build a mine and processing facility that could initially produce 15,000 tonnes of magnesium a year, with potential to expand to 50,000 tonnes.p
pp Reporting by Eric Onstad editing by Barbara Lewisp
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