Abstract:LONDON (Reuters) – Britain may impose anti-dumping duties of up to 29% on aluminium extrusions from China to protect domestic producers, a trade agency said on Friday.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpLONDON Reuters – Britain may impose antidumping duties of up to 29 on aluminium extrusions from China to protect domestic producers, a trade agency said on Friday.p
pAluminium extrusions – widely used in the transport, construction and electronics industries – are being dumped in Britain at lower prices than they are sold in China, the Trade Remedies Authority said in a interim report.pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
p“The TRA determined that there is already damage to the UK industry, having found clear evidence of price undercutting, indicating that UK businesses are struggling to compete with the dumped imports,” a statement said.p
pProvisional measures will be imposed as the TRA completes its investigation, requiring Chinese companies exporting to Britain to provide a bank guarantee beginning on May 28, it added.p
pDuties ranging from 7.3 to 29.1 were recommended, depending on the company and the level of dumping margin, the interim report said.p
pThree companies were named – Press Metal International Group, Shandong Nanshan and Haomei Group – plus there were categories for other cooperating and noncooperating exporters.p
pPress Metal International is a Chinese unit of Malaysias Press Metal. p
pThe TRA was established after Britain left the European Union to investigate unfair trade practices and measures.p
pThe aluminium extrusion investigation is the first one resulting from a British industry claiming unfair trade practices, the TRA said. p
pOne major firm that produces aluminium extrusions in Britain is Norways Norsk Hydro p
pp Reporting by Eric Onstad Editing by Kirsten Donovanp
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