Abstract: In the previous article, we talked about FVP claimed to accept capital injection from its partner in the Middle East, Al-Mohannadi Group (AMG). However, who is AI-Mohannadi Group(AMG)? What is the relationship between AMG and FVP Trade? In this article, we will figure that out.
On March 9, 2022, FVP Trade entered into a new partnership agreement with AL Mohannadi at a signing ceremony in downtown Dubai. But as we know, this broker later was under investigation by an international anti-money laundering organization. And the clients can not withdraw as FVP Trade claimed the funds are frozen. For more information, please see below.
FVP Trades latest news
On August 3, 2022. WikiFX noted that FVP Trade releases another statement about its current situation.In this statement, FVP claimed to accept capital injection from its partner in the Middle East, Al-Mohannadi Group (AMG). FCP Trade also posted the link to the AMG website in the statement. https://fund.almohannadigroup.com. The website shows us “ COMING SOON” when we opened this link. Investors need to be aware of this issue.
(Website mentioned in FVP Trades latest statement)
FVP Trade is inside of AMG?
WikiFXs investigation team later found the real website of AMG. https://almohannadigroup.com/?lang=en. On this website. WikiFX found something tricky. When we check the source code of this website. We unexpectedly found “FVP Trade” in the source code. Since AMG is an investor of FVP Trade as claimed in the statement, why does the FVP Trade information appear in the source code of the AMG website? This is not reasonable.
(AMG official website)
(“FVP Trade” in the source code of AMG)
The name of the FVP trader is at the backend of the Al mohannadi Group‘s website as you see in the picture. Regarding the relationship between Al mohanadi and FVP Trade. It’s possible that the FVP Trade entered the Arabic market by using the name of the Al Mohannadi Group.
Unavailable contact information
According to its website, AMG is located in Kuwait. And it provides an email address for contact purposes. (see below).
WikiFXs investigation team tried to contact the AMG via this email. However, this email account does not exist.
Then our team filled out the sheet and is still waiting for AMGs reply until now.
In addition, as far as we know, AMG doesn't have an account on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Information on Go Daddy
According to Go Daddy, when we were searching for AMG, we found that the AMG website admin from Arizona USA since 2020
(Source: Go Daddy)
But if you notice here (it is 2009) not 2020. See below.
WikiFX thinks that AMG is just a name registered by FVP Trade to enter the Arab market although something still remains uncertain. WikiFX advises all traders to stay away from the broker. WikiFX is actively reaching out to the victims. Please stay tuned for more information.
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