abstrak:(Reuters) – An International Monetary Fund virtual mission to Sri Lanka is expected to conclude technical talks on a potential IMF loan program to the crisis-wracked South Asian country on May 24, Fund spokesman Gerry Rice said on Thursday.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpReuters – An International Monetary Fund virtual mission to Sri Lanka is expected to conclude technical talks on a potential IMF loan program to the crisiswracked South Asian country on May 24, Fund spokesman Gerry Rice said on Thursday.p
pRice, speaking to a virtual IMF briefing, said the IMF monitoring political and economic developments in Sri Lanka very closely. The debt burdened island country is experiencing its worst economic crisis since it won independence in 1948 as shortages of essential goods have triggered social unrest and has triggered social unrest. pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
p“So we remain committed to help Sri Lanka in line with the IMF policies and well engage with stakeholders in support of a timely resolution of the crisis that is being faced there,” Rice said.p
pp Reporting by David Lawderp
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