abstrak:LONDON (Reuters) – A Belgian court on Thursday ruled in favour of the GFG Alliance owned by commodities tycoon Sanjeev Gupta regarding its Liege steel operations, GFG said in a statement.
div classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodivpLONDON Reuters – A Belgian court on Thursday ruled in favour of the GFG Alliance owned by commodities tycoon Sanjeev Gupta regarding its Liege steel operations, GFG said in a statement.p
pA commercial court in Belgium last month ruled that administrators should be appointed to GFGs Liberty Steel operations in Liege due to negative equity, but that decision was overruled on appeal, GFG said. pdivdivdiv classBodysc17zpet90 cdBBJodiv
pp Reporting by Eric Onstad Editing by Edmund Blairp
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