无法提款,由于各种原因不断要求存款,被告知我第一次将我的利润累积到750,000之后可以提款,他们要求再次存款以便提款,所以要收取一定的提款费。 X Spot Markets停止回复电子邮件,如果完全由他们决定,那将使我陷入困境。

kept requesting to make deposits
Unable to withdraw money, kept requesting deposit for various reasons, the first time I was told to accumulate my profits to 750,000 to be able to withdraw after doing that, they asked to make another deposit in order to withdraw, tech and got principal back early this month along with the profits made on the account. X Spot Markets stopped replying to emails and would have left me stranded if it were completely up to them.