经过几次尝试从中提取我的钱DMM FX,我可以告诉你他们是一个欺诈平台。我存了9万元的初始存款,这笔存款随着时间的推移产生了利润。当我试图退出时,它被拒绝了,他们将限制归咎于技术问题。后来,我要求提款10%的税,以便我提款。当时的费用对我来说太高了,他们冻结了我的帐户,以延迟付款。自从我要求清算我的账户以来,我没有得到他们的回应,我在财务上将一败涂地,但是为了(资产不良的.tech)财务复苏。我恳请其他投资者保持警惕DMM FX,他们没有什么可提供的。

DMM Denied my Withdrawal
After several attempts to withdraw my money from DMM FX, I can tell you they are a fraud platform. I made an initial deposit of 90000 yuan which yielded profits over time. When I tried to withdraw, it was denied and they blamed the Restrictions on technical problems. Later, a 10% tax was requested to allow my withdrawal The fee was so much for me at that time and they froze my account for delayed payment. I didn't get a response from them since I asked to liquidate my account, I implore other investors to stay clear of DMM FX, they have nothing to offer.