起初客服告诉我,我怀疑我有多个帐户,所以我必须充值2000美元才能使用我的帐户并立即恢复正常。当我充值 2000 美元时,他们说我只需要等待 30 天才能提款。所以他们为我提供了一个绿色通道,但他们没有说它在那个账户中收取我资金的 20% 的费用。然后他们打开它没有告诉我它有1980.60USDT的费用让我可以随时取款。

The customer service asking me to tap up another specific amount for me to withdraw my funds
At first the customer service told me that im suspected having multiple accounts so i have to put $2000 recharge for me to be able use my account and back to normal immediately. When i recharge $2000 they said i will just have to wait for 30days for me to withdraw. So they offer me a green channel but they didnt says it has a fee of 20% of my fund in that account. And they open it without informing me that it has a charge of 1980.60USDT for me to be able withdraw at any time.