不要在Interative Brokers投资,他们是骗子,我努力交易得到的利润无法出金,他们声称受到 cysec 的监管但其实并没有,我又7000美元无法提取。

I beg you all in the name of God, dont ever trade with Interative Brokers. They are worse than the devil… They wont give me my $7000, i worked hard to earn that amount trading almost 24hours, i asked for withdrawal, they begin stupid stories… They claim they are regulated by cysec… Amy Parker one of the top people in interactive option, was with iOption that went bankrupt before, she knows all about this crime they are committing… She ran with people’s money @ iOption… If you have money there, better take out your funds, they wont even give you. and if you know anyone that wants to deposit with this thief broker, advise them not to ever… Because you will be trading for this company and not yourself… you will make money and they wont give you. Devil is nicer than this company, thats how bad they are…