他们以可疑行为为由拒绝了我的提款并关闭了我的帐户,并引用了随后的电子邮件作为他们的理由。对我的交易账户进行了安全检查,由于账户上有可疑活动,他们被迫停止了它。他们向我保证,我的所有存款都会退还,我以文本形式向他们提供了我的收款账户信息,以便他们可以转移我的钱。等了三个月的押金后,我被迫使用assetsclaimback/com的咨询服务,如果我依赖 Opsontechfx我会被甩的。最终,这产生了结果,我收到了投资和收益的退款。

Opsontechfx can’t be trusted
They denied my withdrawal and closed my account on the grounds of suspicious behaviour, citing the email that follows as their justification. Security checks were conducted on my trading account, and they were forced to stop it as a result of suspicious activity on it. They assured me that all of my deposits would be returned, and I gave them my beneficiary account information in text form so they could transfer my monies. I was forced to use the advisory services of Assetsclaimback/com after waiting for my deposit for three months if i relied on Opsontechfx i would have being dumped. Eventually, this produced results, and I received a refund of both my investment and earnings.