即使您尝试进行极富操纵性的短线交易,一旦您与 Montongfx 进行交易,您也会怪罪自己。如果资产与目标的距离达到指定距离,无论是否达到止损价格,都会执行无处止损,如果您获得巨额利润,则所有长期交易都将被平仓。我使用 Assetsclaimback 进行网络联网。 com,它通过了投资法政策,他们扣押了我的钱,直到发生这种情况。小心这个投资平台大部分是骗局,他们的数字指纹很快就会暴露。

Lesson learnt from this failed scam
Even if you try trading short-term, which is extremely manipulative, you will find yourself to blame once you have entered the trade with Montongfx. A stop loss at of no where will be implemented if the asset reaches a specified distance from the target, whether or not it hits the stop loss price, and all long-term transactions are closed out if you are earning a big profit. i cyber networking with Assetsclaimback. com, which passed investment law policy, they held my money hostage until that happened be careful most of this invesiment platform are scam, their digital fingerprints will soon be exposed.