这是个虚假交易商。一开始,我问他们如何出入金,他们说出金的方式是加密货币,并且最多需要48小时 。当我用加密货币入金并开始交易后,我发现没有出金的选项。然后我就开始和他们沟通,并且四次提出出金要求,他们说提供者方面有延迟,每一次都无果而终。等待超过 1 个月,最后没有回答我,我已经向服务台发了 4 条短信,等了一个多月也没有结果。然后,他们突然调整了我的杠杆,也不回我短信。我的体验现在很糟糕,我开仓了,却损失了所有资金。所以大家都要小心点,不要在他们平台入金或交易。

This broker is scam first i asked them about debosit and withdraw and they answer withdraw take 48H muximum via crypto!!then i made debosit via crypto and i trade and wonbut i can not found any options to withdraw in the website !!!!i start to chat and ask them to withdraw mor than 4 times and nothing happendevery time they said there is a delay on the provider's side!!!more than 1 month waiting and finaly no answeri have wrote 4 massages to the help desk but pending mode for more than 1 month!!!and suddnly they change my leverage and no answer for my message..very bad experinse now i open possitions to loss all fundsbecarful everybudy dont put your mony or trade with them