InfyFx抢了我390000inr,“Crime Racket”
这是一个很长的关于infy fx诈骗的故事......!!!!!!但写得很短......“在 3 个月内,infy fx 以 30 万印度卢比的价格洗劫了我。”有一天我接到infy fx的电话要在他们那里开一个pms账户,我开了一个账户并注资100美元,然后他要了4000美元。我代表对话和他们的网站和工作方式信任并资助了 4000 美元。然后是客户经理先生。 ankit sharma (mo. no. 9781601382) 开始忽略我的电话,我正在休假,我有一些医疗紧急情况,并且可能会获得更多与帐户和提款过程相关的借口。然后几天后突然我接到一个电话,他告诉我,由于大量的负面浮动,你必须紧急添加更多 2200 美元,在这种恐慌情况下,我提供了相同的资金,但在 2022 年 7 月 11 日。我的总账户是丢失并显示负-840 美元余额。有支持@ InfyFx .com 也无法正常工作。新网站上也提到了这一点。现在的情况是他们改变了他们的旧网站 到 InfyFx。世界。现在我一直在尝试联系,但所有协调员的手机号码都已关闭,电子邮件显示“找不到地址”。我只有旧的登录凭据,现在无法登录新网站。这是我遭受的最糟糕的情况。

Infyfx Looted me for 390000 INR, “Crime Racket”
It's a very long story with INFY FX SCAM.....!!!!! But writing in very short.. "Within the 3 Months INFY FX looted me for Three Lakh Ninety Thousand INDIAN Rupees." One day I got a call from Infy Fx to open a PMS account with them, I opens an account and funded 100 USD then he demanded 4000 USD. On the behalf conversation and their website and working style i trusted and funded 4000 USD. Then the Account Manager Mr. Ankit Sharma (mo. no. 9781601382) started ignoring my phone, I'm on Leave, I have some medical emergency and getting may more excuses related account and withdrawal process. Then suddenly after few days I got a call and he told me that due to the heavy negative floting you have to add more 2200 USD on urgent basis, In this panic situation I funded the same, but on 11th July 2022. my total account is lost and was shown negative -840 USD balance. There also not working. the same is mentioned on new website also. Now the case is they changed their old website from to Now I'm continuously trying to reach out but all coordinators mobile numbers are switched off and email showing "Address not found". I only have my old login credentials, now not able to login on new website. This the worst worst scenario, i have suffered from.