无法从Grand Signal Markets Limited出金
我的网友向我介绍了metatrader 5,并在Wintersnow limite 开设了一个账户,存入了 10000 美元。 Wintersnow limited 通知我交易商名字从Wintersnow-Server改成了GrandSignalMarkets-Server。我登录了我的新账户,余额没有变化。我入金了42000美金。我在2022年8月24号要求出金,平台客服要求5%的服务费。然后,他们说我在付费前无法出金。我和我的朋友在26号支付了服务费,然后平台说我会在2个工作日后收到提款。我在29号发现我无法登录我的账户。这个叫Grand Signal Markets Limited的黑平台让你交易,但不让你提款。我的账户无法登录,平台客服也消失了。我给他们发了几次邮件,但都没有收到回复

Unable to withdraw from Grand Signal Markets Limited
I was introduced to MetaTrader 5 by my online friend and opened an account at Wintersnow Limited and made a 10000USD deposit. Wintersnow Limited informed me that Broker changed from Wintersnow-Server to GrandSignalMarkets-Server; I logged in with the new account and the account funds remain unchanged; I deposited up to 42000USD. I requested the withdrawal from my account on 24th August 2022, the Platform Customer Service requested a 5% of service fee; and Platform Customer Service told me that I was unable to withdraw my fund without paying the 5% service fee. My friend and I paid the service fees on 26th August 2022 and the Platform Customer Service told me that I would receive the withdrawal after 2 working days. I realized that I am unable to log in to my account since 29th August 2022. The fraud platform Grand Signal Markets Limited allows trade and does not allow fund withdrawal. The account cannot be logged in and the Platform Customer Service disappeared. I sent a few emails to them and no reply from them.