Prominent hedge funds invested in Twitter before Musk unveiled plans

By Svea Herbst-Bayliss BOSTON (Reuters) – Prominent hedge funds, including Point72 Asset Management and Bridgewater Associates, invested in Twitter during the first quarter, putting them on course to reap big gains early in the second quarter when billionaire Elon Musk unveiled plans to buy the company.

الصناعة 2022-05-17 20:22

Russia needs significant rise in imports, development bank VEB says

(Reuters) – The Russian economy, hit by unprecedented Western sanctions, is potentially resilient but needs a significant increase in imports and greater freedoms, economists at state development bank VEB said on Tuesday.

الصناعة 2022-05-17 19:52

Netflix lays off about 150 employees, mostly in the U.S

(Reuters) -Netflix on Tuesday said it has laid off about 150 people, mostly in the United States, as the streaming service company faces slowing growth.

الصناعة 2022-05-17 19:07

Germanys finance ministry grants more independence for financial watchdog

BERLIN (Reuters) – Germany‘s BaFin will have more leeway and independence in conducting its work as the country’s financial watchdog, the Finance Ministry said on Tuesday.

الصناعة 2022-05-17 18:37

U.S. considering move to block Russian debt payments

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The United States is considering a move to block Russias ability to pay U.S. bondholders after a deadline expires next week, a U.S. administration official said on Tuesday.

الصناعة 2022-05-17 18:07

U.S. corporate bond deals to ebb this year amid higher rates, volatility -BofA

By Davide Barbuscia NEW YORK (Reuters) – U.S. bond sales by investment-grade issuers will likely decline by around 10% this year as borrowers contend with higher rates and market volatility, a BofA executive said on Tuesday.

الصناعة 2022-05-17 17:52

Exclusive-ECBs Lagarde gives national central bank chiefs louder voice on policy

By Balazs Koranyi and Francesco Canepa FRANKFURT (Reuters) – European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde has given national central bank chiefs a bigger say in policy meetings, asking her own board to speak less and set aside more time for debate, sources familiar with the process

الصناعة 2022-05-17 17:37

Analysis-Aircraft leasing faces shake-up as risks cloud recovery

By Tim Hepher PARIS (Reuters) – Global aircraft leasing faces a new shake-up this week after SMBC Aviation Capitals deal to buy smaller rival Goshawk Aviation for $6.7 billion.

الصناعة 2022-05-17 17:37

Czech investment group PPF quits Russian banking market

PRAGUE (Reuters) – Czech investment group PPF has agreed to sell its Russian banking assets to a group of investors, it said on Tuesday, joining the wave of European firms cutting their exposure to Russia following its invasion of Ukraine.

الصناعة 2022-05-17 17:22

Feds Kashkari: how high rates need to go depends on supply side

(Reuters) – How much higher the Federal Reserve will need to raise U.S. interest rates will depend in large part on how quickly supply chains can recover, Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President Neel Kashkari said on Tuesday.

الصناعة 2022-05-17 17:07

Trump fundraiser Barrack sought UAE investment while lobbying for country -prosecutors

By Luc Cohen NEW YORK (Reuters) – A billionaire fundraiser for former U.S. President Donald Trumps campaign sought investment from two United Arab Emirates sovereign wealth funds at the same time he was illegally lobbying for the country, prosecutors said on Tuesday.

الصناعة 2022-05-17 17:07

Bernanke Warns US Could Experience 'Stagflation'

The U.S. could be heading for “stagflation,” and “a slowing economy” over the next year or two.

الصناعة 2022-05-17 12:05

Eni to open accounts for Russian gas after EU clarification – sources

MILAN (Reuters) – Italian energy group Eni will open accounts this week to pay for Russian gas after clarification such a move will not breach sanctions, two sources said on Monday.

الصناعة 2022-05-16 17:52

Brazils Guedes says govt will reduce payroll taxes

BRASILIA (Reuters) – Brazils Economy Minister Paulo Guedes said on Monday the government will reduce payroll taxes, without giving details or deadlines for a move he has defended since taking office in 2019.

الصناعة 2022-05-16 17:52

UK‘s Parvus hikes UniCredit stake to become Italian bank’s No. 2 investor

MILAN (Reuters) – London-based fund Parvus Asset Management has increased its holding in UniCredit to 5%, becoming the second-biggest investor in the Italian bank, data showed on Monday.

الصناعة 2022-05-16 17:37

Brazil Senate leaders offer support for courts facing Bolsonaro attacks

By Ricardo Brito and Maria Carolina Marcello

الصناعة 2022-05-16 17:37

Russia raises ceiling for cross-border transactions for individuals

(Reuters) – The Russian central bank on Monday said Russian residents and non-residents from friendly states will be able to channel foreign currency abroad equivalent to up to $50,000 a month, from the previous limit of $10,000.

الصناعة 2022-05-16 17:37

U.S. eyes baby formula imports amid nationwide shortage

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. health regulators will announce action on baby formula imports as soon as Monday to address a nationwide shortage that has left parents scrambling to feed their babies, the Food and Drug Administrations chief said.

الصناعة 2022-05-16 17:22

Analysis-White House weighs inflation vs. farmers in new biofuel mandates

By Jarrett Renshaw and Stephanie Kelly (Reuters) – The White House is expected to announce in coming weeks the amount of biofuels like corn-based ethanol that U.S. refiners must blend into their fuel this year, a decision that will force it to weigh taming consumer inflation

الصناعة 2022-05-16 17:07

Britons are trading down amid cost of living crisis – McKinsey

LONDON (Reuters) – British consumers are reacting to the cost of living crisis by trading down in both stores and products, switching from supermarkets to discounters and from branded to lower priced and private label products, a report from consultants McKinsey said on Monday.

الصناعة 2022-05-16 17:07
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