المملكة المتحدة

2022-09-22 00:58

الصناعة📌Why people like Forex trading ? 3 reasons
Trade from a hammock in the Caribbean Forex is open for trading 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. As a result, you can theoretically live on an island in the Caribbean and trade in your swimshorts, at a time that suits your lifestyle. However, there are time zones that are not well suited if you want to trade seriously. We'll tell you about them later on. Spoiler: trading from a hammock is actually a bad idea. The sun reflections on your screen and sand in your keyboard isn't fun. You should better have a comfy chair in a shade or under an AC. Anyway, you get the point. 2. Higher potential profits In forex, the typical leverage is 1:300 In stock trading the leverage often is just 1:5. What does it mean? With a leverage of 1:30, a trader who deposits $1,000 can trade with $30,000 ($100 x 30). The bigger the leverage the faster and bigger the potential profits. Naturally, it means that you can also LOSE your money 30 times faster, if your trade goes against you. At the end of the day, having the option to multiply your profits is one of the main factors that attracts many people to forex trading. Realize profits whenever you want With a daily turnover of $5 trillion, forex is the most liquid financial market. High liquidity means that you can sell or buy large quantities of currencies instantly. In comparison, stock market can run out of liquidity easily, as it could be hard to find a buyer for stocks of a company that is having financial problems. You might have to wait a few seconds before someone is willing to buy the stocks of a struggling company that you want to sell. And the price will most likely fall while you wait and you would lose even more value. It's a different story with the major currency pairs like EUR/USD, GBP/USD, etc. Governments and big banks are constantly exchanging large amounts of currencies so you will mostly get instant execution of your currency trades. And without the price moving against you while the trade gets executed. 3. There is no crisis in forex Whenever a global economic crisis hits, most of the financial markets go down. Real estate transactions stop, stock trading freezes, everyday businesses suffer and shut down... ... but forex trading opportunities remain intact. This is due to the fact that you can bet on the fall of a currency (go short) just as easily as you can bet on it's rise (go long). Sure, you can also short stocks, but that usually involves high commissions, as the broker has to buy and sell you the stock that you want to short. So the broker needs a commission to decrease the risk he takes by buying a falling stock for you. Shorting in forex is cheaper because of the double-sided nature of currency trading: currencies are always quoted in pairs. When one currency goes down, there will always be a currency that does better than the losing one. Bottom line: You can pretty much always find possibilities for profit in the forex market, regardless of the market condition. Thanks for reading like and share,follow for more post updated 😎
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📌Why people like Forex trading ? 3 reasons
المملكة المتحدة | 2022-09-22 00:58
Trade from a hammock in the Caribbean Forex is open for trading 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. As a result, you can theoretically live on an island in the Caribbean and trade in your swimshorts, at a time that suits your lifestyle. However, there are time zones that are not well suited if you want to trade seriously. We'll tell you about them later on. Spoiler: trading from a hammock is actually a bad idea. The sun reflections on your screen and sand in your keyboard isn't fun. You should better have a comfy chair in a shade or under an AC. Anyway, you get the point. 2. Higher potential profits In forex, the typical leverage is 1:300 In stock trading the leverage often is just 1:5. What does it mean? With a leverage of 1:30, a trader who deposits $1,000 can trade with $30,000 ($100 x 30). The bigger the leverage the faster and bigger the potential profits. Naturally, it means that you can also LOSE your money 30 times faster, if your trade goes against you. At the end of the day, having the option to multiply your profits is one of the main factors that attracts many people to forex trading. Realize profits whenever you want With a daily turnover of $5 trillion, forex is the most liquid financial market. High liquidity means that you can sell or buy large quantities of currencies instantly. In comparison, stock market can run out of liquidity easily, as it could be hard to find a buyer for stocks of a company that is having financial problems. You might have to wait a few seconds before someone is willing to buy the stocks of a struggling company that you want to sell. And the price will most likely fall while you wait and you would lose even more value. It's a different story with the major currency pairs like EUR/USD, GBP/USD, etc. Governments and big banks are constantly exchanging large amounts of currencies so you will mostly get instant execution of your currency trades. And without the price moving against you while the trade gets executed. 3. There is no crisis in forex Whenever a global economic crisis hits, most of the financial markets go down. Real estate transactions stop, stock trading freezes, everyday businesses suffer and shut down... ... but forex trading opportunities remain intact. This is due to the fact that you can bet on the fall of a currency (go short) just as easily as you can bet on it's rise (go long). Sure, you can also short stocks, but that usually involves high commissions, as the broker has to buy and sell you the stock that you want to short. So the broker needs a commission to decrease the risk he takes by buying a falling stock for you. Shorting in forex is cheaper because of the double-sided nature of currency trading: currencies are always quoted in pairs. When one currency goes down, there will always be a currency that does better than the losing one. Bottom line: You can pretty much always find possibilities for profit in the forex market, regardless of the market condition. Thanks for reading like and share,follow for more post updated 😎
إعجاب 9
أريد أن اترك تعليق



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