Bumble beats quarterly revenue estimates

(Reuters) – Bumble Inc beat market estimates for first-quarter revenue on Wednesday, helped by a rising number of paying members crowding its dating apps to seek connection, sending its shares up 14% after market.

الصناعة 2022-05-11 20:37

Disney streaming subscriptions top Wall Street targets

(Reuters) -Walt Disney Cos streaming video subscriptions topped Wall Street targets, sending its shares up 3% in extended trade.

الصناعة 2022-05-11 20:22

Beyond Meat misses quarterly sales estimates

(Reuters) – Beyond Meat Inc missed estimates for quarterly revenue on Wednesday, as the plant-based protein maker wrestled with increased competition in the United States.

الصناعة 2022-05-11 20:22

UK to provide more support to help households on energy bills, FT reports

LONDON (Reuters) – Britains government is preparing to announce a new support package to help shield households from a further jump in energy bills later this year, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday.

الصناعة 2022-05-11 19:52

Dallas Fed taps U.S. central bank markets expert Logan as new chief

(Reuters) – The Dallas Federal Reserve on Wednesday named Lorie Logan as its next president, filling the vacancy left by Robert Kaplans resignation last fall after an outcry over the ethics of his active stocks trading during the coronavirus pandemic.

الصناعة 2022-05-11 18:52

U.S. Treasury posts record budget surplus in April as revenues soar

By David Lawder (Reuters) – The U.S. government posted a $308 billion surplus in April — a record for any month — as receipts nearly doubled from a year earlier amid a strong economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Treasury Department said on Wednesday.

الصناعة 2022-05-11 18:22

Russia‘s economy to start stabilising in ’new equilibrium near year-end -central bank

(Reuters) – Russias economy will begin stabilising in its “new equilibrium” closer to the end of this year after beginning to go through a structural transformation in the second and third quarters, the central bank said in a report on Wednesday.

الصناعة 2022-05-11 18:22

Feds Bostic: Rising market yields show Fed retains credibility

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Reuters) – Risings interest rates on home mortgages, U.S. Treasury bonds and other key forms of credit show the Federal Reserve remains credible in its pledge to tame inflation, Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic said on Wednesday.

الصناعة 2022-05-11 18:07

Tumble in Coinbase pushes Woods ARK fund closer to pandemic low

By David Randall NEW YORK (Reuters) – A collapse in cryptocurrency company Coinbase Global Inc pushed star stock picker Cathie Woods ARK Innovation ETF down nearly 8% on Wednesday, putting it within 10% of its low touched in March 2020 at the start of the

الصناعة 2022-05-11 18:07

Fed's Williams: 50 bps interest rate hikes at next two meetings "makes sense"

I do think as a base case of thinking, 50 basis point increases makes sense exactly as Chair Powell laid out.

الصناعة 2022-05-11 12:37

Critical EUR/USD Event Risks | tastytrade clips

Chris and Victor debate if USD will end its bull run, and Chris lays out critical factors for traders who are long USD in EUR/USD trades.

الصناعة 2022-05-11 04:00

Lotos says it is not processing oil for Germanys Leuna

WARSAW (Reuters) – Poland‘s Grupa Lotos said on Tuesday it is not processing oil for TotalEnergies’ Leuna refinery in Germany, referring to a statement by the Polish climate minister that this was the case as a “slip of the tongue”.

الصناعة 2022-05-10 18:08

CPI, PPI: Markets look for signs of U.S. inflation peak

By Stephen Culp NEW YORK (Reuters) – In the wake of the 50-basis-point interest rate hike by an increasingly hawkish Federal Reserve, markets have gyrated wildly ahead of this weeks U.S. economic data, which will be closely parsed for signs that inflation is peaking.

الصناعة 2022-05-10 18:07

EBRD says it will spend 1 billion euros in Ukraine this year

MARRAKESH, Morocco (Reuters) – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will spend 1 billion euros in Ukraine in 2022, the banks president Odile Renaud-Basso said on Tuesday.

الصناعة 2022-05-10 17:56

French bourse regulator fines Dutch traders for price manipulation

PARIS (Reuters) – French stock market regulator AMF has fined three Dutch equities traders and a Dutch company between 80,000 and 400,000 euros ($422,000) each for manipulating prices through a technique known as “layering.”

الصناعة 2022-05-10 17:52

Musk says he would reverse Twitter ban on Donald Trump

(Reuters) -Tesla Chief Executive Elon Musk said Tuesday he would reverse Twitters ban on former U.S. President Donald Trump, while speaking at the Financial Times Future of the Car conference.

الصناعة 2022-05-10 17:52

JPMorgan-advised IIF gets 95% of Italys Falck Renewables

MILAN (Reuters) – Infrastructure Investment Fund (IIF), a fund advised by JPMorgan, on Tuesday completed its takeover of Falck Renewables by securing more than 95% of the Italian green energy group following a buyout offer.

الصناعة 2022-05-10 17:52

Explainer-How Sri Lanka spiralled into crisis

NEW DELHI (Reuters) – Sri Lanka‘s economic crisis has turned into deadly violence. Eight people died and over 200 were injured on Monday, the country’s powerful prime minister quit and his brother, the president, is seeking ways out of the chaos.

الصناعة 2022-05-10 17:37

Ferragamo CEO says wants turnaround to be quick

MILAN (Reuters) – The chief executive of Ferragamo, Marco Gobbetti, said on Tuesday the groups turnaround would be quick as he outlined his strategy to revamp stores, lure younger customers and double sales in the medium-term.

الصناعة 2022-05-10 17:23

Russias Gazprom says Ukrainian proposal to switch gas flows to new entry point is impossible

(Reuters) – Russian energy giant Gazprom on Tuesday said it was not technologically possible to switch gas transfers to Ukraine to a new entry point, as Ukraines gas system operator GTSOU was proposing.

الصناعة 2022-05-10 17:23
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