WIKIFX REPORT: Market Update - What are CBDCs?

Central banks and digital currencies

News 2022-06-27 13:32

WIKIFX REPORT: Copy-trading versus social trading

The biggest difference between social trading and copy trading, is that with copy trading, another trader actually does the work for the follower. Using the Covesting copy reading module, followers put capital on the line to copy the trades of strategy managers ranked highly in the leaderboards. These strategy managers trade with that capital, plus their own, and any successful trades booked bring profits to both the strategy manager and the follower. With social trading, the person still does all the work themselves, and instead rely on the signals of others who they hope they can trust. Because strategy managers actually have incentive they are encouraged to do well for their followers, and their efforts also impact their own bottom line. With social trading, influencers make money by pushing products, links, sponsored content, or could possibly be countertrading their audience or using them as part of a pump and dump scheme. Also There’s nothing automatic about it, and it’s someti

News 2022-06-27 12:18

Is This The Right Time For Crypto Trading

With cryptocurrency prices falling rapidly since late November and bitcoin sliding below $20,000 for the first time in 18 months, the crypto market is undergoing a contraction phase, better known as ‘crypto winter.’ During this time of volatility, where everyone remains clueless and chaos takes over the market, a bold player will always find an opportunity even in an uncertain market, and that is what crypto trading is all about.

Activity 2022-06-26 13:47

Investing vs. Trading: 3 Key Differences

Investing vs. trading is an essential conversation for everyone who wants to understand the financial markets. Although both terms are often used interchangeably, investing and trading are two very different approaches to making profits in the financial markets.

Activity 2022-06-26 13:31

Build Winning Forex Trading Plan in Just 6 Simple Steps

Planning is the keyword in the best forex broker. There are no professional traders who carry out their trading activities without a well-thought-out plan. You should also follow that habit rather than having to lose like forex traders who don't plan at all.

News 2022-06-25 05:56

WIKIFX REPORT: This Week In Markets

Here are some developments on markets that are still processing the 75BP rate boost that the Federal Reserve announced last week. A further 75BP may be discussed in the July meeting, according to some Fed members. While those increases are important to control the high levels of inflation, worries about a potential recession are mounting. This may be the subject of the questions the congressional committee will ask Chairman Powell during this week's appearance.

News 2022-06-24 14:23

WIKIFX REPORT: GOLD FUTURES (GOLD1!), H1 Potential for Bullish Continuation

GOLD FUTURES (GOLD1!), H1 Potential for Bullish Continuation

News 2022-06-24 14:18

WIKIFX REPORT: EFTs - What are they and how can you trade them?

ETFs, or exchange-traded funds, combine features of mutual funds and common equities.

News 2022-06-24 14:09

WIKIFX REPORT: CANADIAN DOLLAR FUTURES (6C1!), H1 Potential for Bearish Drop

Below is Canadian Dollar prices with latest Canadian Dollar charts, news and Canadian Dollar futures quotes.

News 2022-06-24 14:02

Risking the Trade too Much – The Signs You need to Aware of

Risk management is also a major element in the best forex broker. For people who feel that they are often careless when trading, what can help your trading career is to start all over again, and run trading in the right way. On the other hand, if you run a trade full of risk, what are the benefits? We feel that strict rules need to be emphasized to all traders so that all the routines they follow do not pose a risk. You can quickly aware of what you're doing if knowing the risk.

News 2022-06-24 01:01

06/23 Market report

【Dow Jones】 【Gold】 【Crude Oil】 【Bitcoin】

Review 2022-06-23 21:37

A Recession “Certainly Possible”Date: June 23rd

The markets slumped this morning amid fears of a recession. Who is stoking the fire, and what does this mean for the markets?

News 2022-06-23 18:25

GemForex | Crude Oil (WTI)

Crude Oil (WTI) - Rebound in the offing?

Review 2022-06-23 16:09

GemForex | Gold

Gold trading inside the previous day’s range - investors wait for US PMI

Review 2022-06-23 15:54

WIKIFX REPORT: Douugh teams up with OFX for foreign exchange offering

The AI-powered neobank Douugh (ASX: DOU), which recently acquired the share trading app Goodments, has announced a strategic alliance with OFX (ASX: OFX) to enhance foreign exchange services on the newly integrated platform.

News 2022-06-23 12:03


Sydney-headquartered OFX Group Limited today announced that it has agreed to take full ownership of Firma Foreign Exchange Corporation for a total consideration of C$90 million ($69.62 million).

News 2022-06-23 11:59

WIKIFX REPORT: Completion of acquisition of Firma Foreign Exchange Corp

OFX completes acquisitionof Canadian Corporate foreign exchange businessFirma Foreign Exchange Corporation

News 2022-06-23 11:56

WIKIFX REPORT: OFX Announces the Establishment of its European HQ in Dublin

OFX, a supplier of international money transfers and foreign exchange services, has announced the opening of its European headquarters in Dublin as OFX Payments Ireland Limited. The announcement comes as the corporation aims to expand its market share in Ireland and the EU. Maeve McMahon was recently appointed by OFX as its CEO and regional growth leader.

News 2022-06-23 11:50

WIKIFX REPORT: Schwab closes TD Ameritrade accounts to new business in four overseas jurisdictions

Charles Schwab has confirmed that it is "making changes" in certain international jurisdictions, as it continues to incorporate the business of its former rival, TD Ameritrade – and that this means that although American clients in certain countries will be allowed to keep their existing accounts, they will "not be able to open new accounts, make deposits, or place 'buy' orders."

News 2022-06-23 11:36

WIKIFX REPORT: AvaTrade launches AvaOptions WebTrader platform featuring chart-based execution

AvaOptions WebTrader gives experienced traders the flexibility to trade using 14 different options strategies in one account from their desktop

News 2022-06-23 11:29
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