im Paulina I’m from South America and I want to tell my story how I was scammer from a “China Boy” that I met in TINDER with the “Company” JinLong (https://www.jinltech.com/en/) and with the trading platform MT4. (https://www.metatrader4.com/en)On January 11th, 2021, I met a guy in Tinder Overseas, supposedly he is a Chinese man, who lives in Boston with his Uncle. I looked for information about the platforms and nothing "strange" came out, so I started sending money through Binance. First as little as $ 300, but then I deposit more than $ 12,000.Jie, every day he would tell me the exact time to trade, "taking profit" of up to $ 1,900.Everything was going well, until every day the pressure that the Chinese man put on me to deposit more and more money was unbearable. So I decided to contact JinLong customer service to get the money out of my 3 accounts ... this is where it all fell apart.I did everything they told me to do and they told me they would take between 1 to 5 business days. I told them that I did not accept it, because when I transferred money it was all in a matter of minutes. They told me that if I wanted the process faster, I could pay more money again, so this time I began to be very suspicious
2021-03-06 22:35