General Information & Regulation of SMBC Nikko
SMBC Nikko is one of Japan's leading full-line securities firms with an international network covering all client segments and offering a wide range of financial products and services. In August 2010, SMBC Nikko established its Equity Research Department to research and analyze industry and company earnings and stock price trends to provide investment information. SMBC Nikko owns several overseas branches and subsidiaries to fulfill investors' various needs, providing high value-added financial products, services, and approaches. SMBC Nikko is currently regulated by the Financial Services Agency of Japan (Regulatory Number: 7010001125714).
Main Business of SMBC Nikko
SMBC Nikko offers high-quality asset management advisory services to individual clients, as well as two service courses (namely general courses, direct courses). Under the General Course, clients can trade financial products while receiving advice, investment information, and face-to-face counseling from designated professionals through the company's nationwide branches. Under the latter course, clients can trade stocks at discounted prices and receive commissions through SMBC Nikko's online trading or call center services. For corporate clients, SMBC Nikko has set up specific departments based on business type to enrich the knowledge to best meet the specific business needs of the client. These designated departments strive to provide enhanced value to corporations, financial institutions, public service companies, local public agencies, government organizations, or wholesale clients through teamwork across products, regions, and departments.
Minimum Dposit of SMBC Nikko
The minimum depsoit requirements details are not fully disclosed on the SMBC Nikko website, so it is unknown the precise amount to start trading with this stockbroker.
Leverage of SMBC Nikko
SMBC Nikko official website does not show up any leverage related information, therefore we have no idea whether trading leverage can be applied on stocks trading.
Spreads of SMBC Nikko
No spread segments can be found on the SMBC Nikko website.