Basic Information & Regulation of KAGAWA
KAGAWA Securities was established on May 19, 1944, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, currently has a capital of 550,500,000,000 yen and 144 employees. KAGAWA Securities is a member of the Securities Association of Japan and is regulated by the Financial Services Agency of Japan, with the regulatory number 7470001000210.
Minimum Deposit of KAGAWA
KAGAWA official website does not show any details on the minimum deposit requirement.
Leverage of KAGAWA
KAGAWA does not announce any available, so it is unsure whether trading leverage is available on KAGAWA platform.
Spreads of KAGAWA
As a stockbroker, KAGAWA official website does not show any sprread related information.
Products & Services of KAGAWA
KAGAWA Securities provides investors with products and services such as investment trusts (pooling various investors' funds together so that asset management specialists can invest in domestic and foreign stocks and bonds), foreign currency-denominated bonds, structured bonds, insurance products, and the publication of market reports on asset management companies and weekly reports on stocks.
Fee Schedule of KAGAWA
KAGAWA Securities has set different fees for different products. For example, the fee for stocks is 1.166% of the contract price for contracts under 1 million yen, 0.869% of the transaction price plus 2,970 yen for contracts traded above 1 million yen and below 3 million yen, and 0.759% of the transaction price for contracts traded above 3 million yen and below 5 million yen 0.759% of the contract price plus 6,270 yen, 0.704% of the transaction price plus 9,020 yen for contracts above 5 million yen and below 7 million yen, 0.0660% of the contract price plus 12,1000 yen for contracts above 7 million yen and below 10 million yen, 10 million yen and above and below 30 million yen 0.517% of the contract price plus 26,400 yen, 0.198% of the contract price plus 122,100 yen for contracts above 30 million yen and below 50 million yen, 0.110% of the contract price + 166,100 yen for contracts above 50 million yen. Specific fees for convertible bond-type bonds with stock purchase rights, foreign stocks, index futures/index options/security options, JGB futures/JGB/futures options, and government bond futures options are listed on the official website. Maintenance fees for custodian accounts set up by KAGAWA Securities are 2,200 yen per account for one year and 5,280 yen for three years, and foreign securities trading account management fees are 2,200 yen per account per year.