Rakuten is not reliable.
At first I invested in Rakuten because I thought they were big brands, having financial security and stable platform. I was very optimistic about it. I opened an account in August 2018 and started trading. There was a time when depositing money process was smooth, but this situation had basically recovered after the Spring Festival. That customer service was not bad. But last week, I was very angry. On the evening of February 27th, I used my five trading accounts to buy long GBP/JPY (including EToro, Jiasheng, Anda and TradeMax) on five trading platforms. Only Rakuten raised a dozen pips, causing my position to be liquidated. When I saw the position liquidation, I quickly took the screenshot and kept the evidence and sent an email to Rakuten. After this week's negotiations, Rakuten internally agreed that the stop loss was caused by the normal spread of the market at that time and did not give me compensation. I don't ask much, just want to get back the stop loss money. A week passed, they ignored it, just saying that it was the normal spread of the market. I want to ask, why the other platforms didn’t liquidate my position but Rakuten? And after the stop loss the platform did not show that the highest price has reached my stop loss. Rakuten’s conduct is a scam. I’ve been trading for years. Such a situation really made me puzzled. Will you still trade on it?

The following is the original recommendation
起初做乐天以为大品牌资金安全,平台稳定非常看好他,2018年8月开户开始做,中间入金一直有不通畅,年后基本恢复了,客服还算可以。直到上周我是非常愤怒,2月27号晚上我的五个交易账户五个交易平台分别买了GBPJPY(E投睿,嘉盛,安达和TradeMax),只有乐天证券给我高十几个点给我平仓,当看到平仓后赶紧截图留下证据并发邮件给乐天,经过这一周的交涉,乐天内部一致认为是市场正常点差扩大导致止损,不予给我赔偿。我要求不多,只想拿回止损的钱就行了,一周下来他们不予理睬,只是说市场正常扩大。我想问一下,其他的平台都没给止损,为什么你就能止损。而且止损后平台没有显示最高价已经到达我的止损位?????? 乐天证券很明显的坑人行为 做了这么多年交易,真是感觉这么大的平台处理事情实在让人匪夷所思,正所谓店大欺客。 乐天这样平台还敢做吗? 乐天还公平吗? 乐天没有天理 乐天这样子完全只顾自己利益,坑害投资者的利益