Didn’t receive my money on FFS Group for 8 months
Under the introduction of a friend, I deposited $60,000 in the official website of the FFS Group platform at http://www.forexfs.cn/ in early January 2018. At the beginning, every time I withdraw, I can get it within 1-3 days. At the beginning of August 2018, when I tried to withdraw the principal and profit of more than 60,000 US dollars, the website showed that the withdrawal was successful, but it didn’t arrive until now, March 2019. In the waiting period of several months, when the withdrawal was not available at the beginning of August, the platform customer service said that I had to wait for 15 days or so. After 15 days, the platform customer service said that the system will return to normal after about three months. Three months later, the platform said that because of the problem of funding channels, they exchanged the withdrawal money into digital currency for withdrawal, but the digital currency could not be withdrawn either. After New Year's Day, the website of the platform announced that it had replaced the person in charge of the Asia Pacific region. After more than two months, I still can't see any improvement or hope. In short, in the eight months, the FFS Group platform has been procrastinating and delaying me, saying that it is affected by the mainland China’s new policy. However, why many other platforms with the largest volume in the world do not have similar problems, and people can normally deposit and withdraw on those platforms, using digital currency and wire transfer channels. The attitude of FFS Group has always been that digital currency is not safe, saying that their technical channel still needs to continue to be tested, etc. I let them use the wire transfer, but the platform said “Sorry, it is not supported.” Anymore, they keep finding themselves excuses to hold my money.

The following is the original recommendation
本人在朋友介绍下于2018年1月初在澳洲丰汇平台,官网:http://www.forexfs.cn/ 上面入金6万美金,最开始的时候每次提现都是1-3天到账。在2018年8月初操作提现本金盈利6万多美金的时候,操作提现成功到现在截住2019年3月依然无法到账。长达几个月的等待中,8月初最开始提现不到账的时候,平台客服说要等15天左右,过了15天平台客服又说等三个月左右恢复正常。三个月过去了平台说资金通道的问题换成数字货币出金,结果数字货币出金也无法出金。元旦后平台官网宣称更换亚太区负责人,2个多月过去了依然看不到任何的改进和希望。总之长达8个月的时间,澳洲丰汇平台一直敷衍拖延说受到内地政策影响之类的话,那为什么其他全球体量最大的好几家平台没有出现类似问题,而却一直正常出入金,而且可以走数字货币,电汇通道。而澳洲FFS的态度一直是数字货币不安全技术通道还有继续研究测试之类的话,走电汇的话平台的态度是不好意思不支持......总之各种理由卡住广大投资者的血汗钱