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Inspection Reason
Recently, many investors called the inspection team hoping we could disclose more Australian brokers with fake addresses. In order to help them avoid investment traps, the investigation team went to Fx-mars for a closer look.
Company Building
According to the regulatory information, the address of Fx-mars in Australia is Level 2, 120 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000. The investigation staff visited the spot.
The investigators successfully found this ordinary building thanks to the legible house number indicated by the regulatory information.
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After entering the lobby, the survey staff found the reception area was bright and clean, and was decorated sumptuously. Then they walked into the ancient glass building opposite the reception desk and took the elevator to the 2nd floor. There was no information about Fx-mars on the floor guide beside the elevator.
In order to ensure the survey was accurate, the investigators walked around the floor and didn’t find Fx-mars’s logo or office.
Inspection Conclusion
It was confirmed after the surveyor’s inspection that the real address of Fx-mars in Australia was different from its regulation address. The broker’s Common Financial Service License (Regulatory No.428289) issued by ASIC was suspected to be a clone.
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